Our expertise is in Criminal, Family and Civil Law.

Criminal Law


We appear for individuals charged with the myriad of offences across the criminal law spectrum such as drink driving, assault, affray, fraud, money laundering, possession of prohibited drugs, personal violence, sexual assault, and homicide.

We defend both individuals and corporations who are prosecuted by the NSW Police, the Director of Public Prosecutions, and the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions.  In doing so, we routinely appear in the NSW Local, District and Supreme Courts. We also appear in courts outside of NSW.

Our practice also includes representing persons who are subject to asset confiscation proceedings initiated by the NSW Crime Commission and the Australian Federal Police. 

We also provide advice/representation to:

a)    those who are of interest to the police but have not been charged;

b)    those who have been issued with a subpoena or a summons to appear in Court or at another body such as the NSW Crime Commission or the State Coroner’s Court or the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).

c)    those who are required to appear before the NSW State Parole Authority

Equity & Civil Litigation/Other


Our civil practice involves acting for individuals who institute proceedings against the State for malicious prosecution, unlawful arrest, and false imprisonment. 

We also provide a full range of debt recovery and civil litigation services, including:

  • Advice relating to contractual disputes and debt recovery matters

  • Issuing simple letters of demand on debtors.

  • Enforcement action via various orders against both personal and real property and wind up proceedings.

  • Advice in relation to workplace bullying, harassment and discrimination.

We are also experienced in alternative dispute resolution and regularly appear in mediations, informal settlement conferences and arbitration. Where necessary, we also draft and file proceedings in Court.

Family Law


We accepts instructions in all areas of family law including:

  • children and parenting issues

  • property settlement

  • binding financial agreements

  • divorce

  • consent orders

  • child support

  • spousal maintenance

  • child recovery

In our experience, many family law practices exhaust the funds of their clients with unnecessary toing and froing with the other party.

Our objective in all family law matters is to achieve the best possible outcome by ensuring the appropriate method is adopted in each case, in the most cost effective and timely manner.  To do this, we utilise all appropriate means to achieve the best outcome, including negotiation, mediation, and, if necessary, litigation.